Monday, February 1, 2010

Note to Suppliers: Manage carbon, or lose customers

Very interesting post today on Environmental Leader.  Here's a highlight:
To assemble the report, 44 CDP member firms reached out to 1,402 of their suppliers. About 51 percent of suppliers responded to the survey, 7 percent declined to participate and another 42 percent did not respond.
That's huge.  SEVEN PERCENT DECLINED and FORTY-TWO PERCENT DID NOT RESPOND.   700 companies either did not have the time, resources or requisite knowledge to respond to a request by some of the largest companies in the world with regard to their carbon management practices.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Randy:

    We were in touch about eight years ago. I don't know about you but for me these have been turbulent and tumultuous years. I never got my organization off the ground and in fact had to focus on my own sustainability (making a living), so much of my idealism lost ground to the tenets of capitalism. One organization which I founded has thrived, which I started years before trying to start Ecological Food Manufacturers Association. This group is called Research Chefs Association and has been around for more than 20 years, under the guise of the term I coined, Culinology. Recently I've been back involved with the group and talking to some leaders within the organization about those standards I was describing for EFMA. I found your comment on one of the old blogs. I wondered, what is life about for you now? What are you doing? It seems the last trace I can find is that blog article from 2010. Thank you
